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Kali Dal


A modified version of a traditional Indian Kali Dal recipe. (serves 6) I expect the original recipe was named after the Indian goddess of death because the amount of yummy dairy in this recipe will rush you to meet her. ![No picture just yet, death is patient…]()



  1. Put all the ingredients into a heavy pot or slow cooker and stir well to incorporate everything
  2. Simmer partially covered for about 2 hours
  3. Stir gently every 15 to 30 minutes to prevent sticking
  4. Add a little vegetable stock or cover if you suspect it is drying out
  5. Alternately, you may need to increase the heat a bit and remove the cover entirely to reduce the liquid content over the last 30 minutes if it looks too liquidy
  6. Further tuning of the butter quantity(!!!), liquid volumes and spice mix is innevitable
  7. This recipe should double nicely, mmmm double butter… Homer drool