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BBQ spare ribs


American style BBQ spare ribs with red currant jelly glaze. (serves 4)

This recipe is heavily modified from various sources including River Cottage, Donna Hay and quite a few Google searches BBQ Spare Ribs




  1. Mix all the marinade ingredients together well
  2. Heat the marinade gently over a low heat until the jelly dissolves
  3. Allow marinade to cool
  4. Place ribs in a large oven proof dish
  5. Pour over marinade
  6. Work the marinade into the ribs with your hands
  7. Cover the ribs with cling film so there is no air gap
  8. Refridgerate overnight (or for at least 1-2 hours if short on time)
  9. Remove the cling film
  10. With a sharp knife, deeply score the tendonous inside of the spares ribs between each bone (this will help the BBQ heat break down the tissue between the bones)
  11. Work the marinade into the score marks with your hands
  12. (Optional step) For best results cover the spare ribs with foil and bake them in a a preheated oven at 160 degrees celcius for 2 hours
  13. Sear the spare ribs for about 5 minutes on each side over a medium BBQ heat (reserve the marinade for basting)
  14. Reduce the BBQ to LOW and cook gently, covered if possible, for 1 to 1 and 12 hours turning every 10 minutes
  15. If the ribs look to be burning, turn and baste them with the reserved marinade
  16. Remove the ribs from the BBQ, cover with foil and allow to rest for 5-10 minutes
  17. Meanwhile, reduce any remaining marinade over a low to medium heat for 5-10 minutes
  18. Remove the foil from the ribs, cut between the ribs between the bone
  19. Toss the ribs in the reduced marinade, and plate to serve

Note: Goes well with a vinegar based coleslaw and diced apple