Who or what is Krandor?
Krandor is the carnivorous Australian god of barbeques and other forms of searing dead flesh. When hungry he and his worshippers cry out, “Flesh for Krandor!”
Are there other Australian gods?
Many but one more of note is Krandor’s pale and anemic half brother Vegor, the god of vegetarians. Vegor’s acolytes tend to turn up at barbeques and whimper piteously about the amount of dead flesh present. He and his worshippers are prone to cry out, “Tofu for Vegor!”
What is an STD?
An STD is a “Sexually Transmitted Diet” - Krandor worshippers have been known to become Vegor worshippers due to matters of domestic harmony. Krandor generally forgives this kind of transgression because he knows you’ll be back!